Software Used: Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator
Funny how sometimes those you least expect, commission some artwork from ya. Take for example Ayal here. He was my landlord not too long ago and here we are discussing artwork. Ah, life.
Ayal needed two covers for two singles with his Band ‘The Zooberries'. The first one being this one.
A video game like image - much like Pac-Man but instead of Pac-Man and his ghosts chasing him, it’ll be Monkeys and Lions. Plot-twist, let’s not have it be 8-bit. Also, the title of the track ‘Monkeys and Lions’ should be in there somewhere.
A video game like image - much like Pac-Man but instead of Pac-Man and his ghosts chasing him, it’ll be Monkeys and Lions. Plot-twist, let’s not have it be 8-bit. Also, the title of the track ‘Monkeys and Lions’ should be in there somewhere.
Challenge accepted.
First I was toying with the idea of perhaps going full realism with a monkey jumping away from a bunch of lions in space (but space will have a Pac-Man labyrinth vibe to it) think: Star Wars Film Artworks & Covers. I started sketching it out and definitely wasn’t feeling it - hence there’s no version of it for you to see.
Going back to the ‘Pac-Man but no 8 bit’ idea, I just said, heck. Let’s see what it looks like if its just NOT 8bit. Turns out. That’s exactly what he wanted.

After a quick review we knew we were very much on the right track just a bunch more changes needed.
- A happier color scheme (perhaps more in the reds than the blues)
- The maze is too active - maybe cropping it and having less of it show
- Integrate the band name additional to the title
- A happier color scheme (perhaps more in the reds than the blues)
- The maze is too active - maybe cropping it and having less of it show
- Integrate the band name additional to the title
Additionally, the monkey and the lion had only been my sketch versions, so personally I wanted to flesh those illustrations out a bit more too.
Thus creating our final:

The single hasn't been released yet, but be sure to check in here or on my socials for when they do!